About Us

Welcome to Lusaka Trust Hospital
Lusaka Trust Hospital(LTH) is a private hospital that has been in existence since 2000. Its was formerly known as Lusaka Mine Clinic which was established for provide services to employees of the former ZCCM Ltd.
Since then the hospital has been transformed and is governed by a Board of Directors under the general oversight of the shareholders. The Hospital has grown from being a small mine clinic to one of the leading private hospital in the country.
Our Mission and Vision
Through our highly motivated staff with well established human resources development and retention policies, we endeavor to ensure that every patient receives our utmost attention at reasonable and cost effective rates while ensuring returns on investments in the medium and long term for the continued development of the hospital.
The vision of the hospital is to be recognized as a leader among private hospitals and pioneer organizations and significant contributor to the National programe of providing quality health services of international standard.