The Lusaka Trust Hospital Pathology Laboratory offers fee paying services to the Hospital clients as well as other institutions.
The Laboratory is well equipped and provides the following services in various field of specialty

Service Offered:
1. Full Blood Count (FBC) 2. ESR Estimation
3. Film comment 4. Reticulocytes
5. Sickling Test 6. Coagulation studies (INR, APPT, CT, BT)
7. Blood grouping 8. Cross match
9. Coombs test 10. Malaria test (Rapid,& Blood slides)
Clinical Chemistry
1. Renal (Urea, Na+, K+, Cl-, Creatinine)
2. Liver (Protein, Albumin, Bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALP & γGT)
3. Cardiac (LDH, CK, Troponin)
4. Lipids (Total, HDL & LDL Choleterol, Triglycerides)
5. Bone (Calcium, Inorganic Phosphate) 6. Glucose
7. Amylase 8. CSF Analysis
1. Thyroid (FT3, FT4, & TSH)
2. Fertility (Progesterone, Prolactin, Estradiol, LH, FSH, Testosterone)
3. Tumour markers (PSA, CRP)
4. β hCG
5. Glycated Hb (HbA1c)
Serology / Immunology
1. HIV Tests (Rapid & ElLISA)
2. Hepatitis (HAV, HBV, HCV)
3. WIdal test 4. H. Pylori (Ab & Ag)
5. Rheumatoid Factor 6. Syphilis (RPR & TPHA)
7. ASOT 8. Cryptococcus Antigen
9. TORCH test 10. CD4 count
Molecular Biology
1. HIV-1 RNA Viral Load
3. Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea PCR
4. Tuberculosis (MTB DNA PCR)
Microbiology / Parasitology
1. Microscopy, Culture & Sensitivity (Swabs, Blood, CSF, Urine, Stool, Sputum & other Body Fluids)
2. Fungal examinations
3. Pregnancy tests 4. Semen analysis
5. Faecal Occult Blood 6. TB Microscopy (Fluorescent & Light)
7. Gram Stain 8. Reducing substances
9. Urinalysis 10. Drugs of Abuse